My photo
Cape Cod, United States
__I see with young eyes, an old mirror. Here, I hope to offer... as I see.

Monday, December 28, 2015

__This... I left as a comment on a friends blog nearly five years ago, here its a slight re-write.

empty moon
a night sky fills its hollow
the crescent 

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

To you all, best wishes for a grand family Christmas_!  Today...  the eve of Christmas Eve.
__The family values of Christmas... far exceed the values of commerce.

warm words
the family gathers
eve of Eve

Sunday, December 13, 2015

__The sunset shadows; this, a slim adjustment made to my imaginational comment I left at Iris's good haiku blog. The number of "S-es" now seems less cumbersome than I first thought. Ssmiless!

sleepy swan
swims across my chest

Saturday, December 5, 2015

Another... 33    A comment I left at Moondust,  her fine poetic blog. 

the sunrays
burn a path through winter
time turns

we have time
gladly shared with each other
the sunrays