My photo
Cape Cod, United States
__I see with young eyes, an old mirror. Here, I hope to offer... as I see.

Friday, April 16, 2010

a dog howls
its forecast across this pond

heavy winds


TALON said...

I love how sounds carry on the wind and even more so across water. There's a sense of an impending storm in this haiku, Magyar. I really liked this!

Regina Piroska (Gina) said...

Hello ... i have been reading you for a little while ... i love the pivot in this one .. that its howl and/or the wind across the water ... so nicely done >>> Gina

Daniel Dragomirescu said...

Interesting and nice!
Daniel D. Peaceman, editor of CHMagazine

John McDonald said...

nice one M

Anonymous said...

Whoa, this one sends out such a great image. I love it.
And, have heard it many times.

Rachel said...

Lieber Magyar,

der Wind trägt sehr viel...


herzlichst, Rachel

Magyar said...

der Wind tragt viel nehr als wir wissen.
__Danke Rachel... meine besten Wunsche. _m

Ich mag die

Magyar said...

__The dog's howl, the wind's howl... and so many things are carried on the wind. I'm always so pleased by your understanding! _m

__Welcome, and thank you... that pivotal point that defines the howls... and blumoonpoet is a lovely blog!

__Thank you for the visit! I'll need to follow through and discover the thrust of CHMagazine... welcome!

__I do, so enjoy my visits to four windshaiha, and here, I'm so pleased by your visits and your sightful comments. Thank you!

Magyar said...

__As always, one of my oldest acquaintances in blogland, thank you! I hope the "Icelandic Cloud" hasn't become troublesome to you.