My photo
Cape Cod, United States
__I see with young eyes, an old mirror. Here, I hope to offer... as I see.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

A few days.

seeking a new trail 
my mind's pixels are cluttered
I clean the filter


rebba said...

new trails...a new lead...we potter or we fly...glide along...there is speed in thought while frozen minds stir cups and cups of tea/coffee...speaking/thinking free!!!

rebba said...

...a frozen mind leans/thaws akin...

Out of Sight L said...

oh yeah I get that feeling and I love how you write it, bravo Doug

Margie said...

I like it.
I think I shall 'follow suit'

Frank... said...

We all need to clean the filter occasionally. Nice observation, Magyar...

Gillena Cox said...

indeed the process is so well 'penned'

much love...

Anonymous said...

clean we must
these filters of this dust
capture thru the lens
life as it bends

a silly echo of an image maker...

hope the sun is shining on your world!

Magyar said...

Thanks all__!

And too, for your echo Moonie!


rebba said...

u are so right! bends...!?
it bends... but do we? is very difficult to bend...
to me bending means...humility...
to be humble...
we all have hang ups...
but life itself is a great leveler!!!

rebba said...

Jennifer Wagner said...

So good to do that every now and then...spring cleaning!

Regina Piroska (Gina) said...

it made me think

seeking a new trail
my mind's pixels are cluttered
I clean the filter

the mind is the filter to the eyes
the heart ...

and the mind can certainly clutter up those pesky pixels ... often, methinks we need the thought (the art, the love) to go from eye to heart without the filter of the brain ...

yeah i know, easier said than done ...
loved the ku that took me everywhichway
>>> Gina

Crafty Green Poet said...

I like the juxtaposition here

Magyar said...

Thanks friends! _m