When facing any or all of our many failures, there is always another step to be taken! Smiles. _m
first coffee
beyond this broken shoelace
my loafers
first coffee
beyond this broken shoelace
my loafers
Haiku, Senryu, and an occasional Haibun or Cinquain
It's true. When I was younger I could never win any prizes for running, but I never thought of failure, I felt knew the answer a lay as you say in taking the next step and I kep taking the next step and the next and on . . . until now in my seventies I find I'm almost always the one the podium. And this is not only on athletics but in other fields too. It's the old Robert the Bruce and the spider story - if at first you don't succeed try, try and try again. Every good wish to you for the year ahead Magyar! And thanks for your words in the year gone by.
loafers are easy to wear and comfortable. Life is one adjustment after another.
Lieber Magyar,
der Wege und Schritte gibt es viele. Auf manchen bleiben wir, auf anderen biegen wir ab. In uns wohnt der Drang weiter zu kommen. Wir zählen nicht zu den Müßiggängern, lächel...
Ich hoffe, für dich und deine Lieben hat das Jahr gut begonnen. Danke für die Freundschaft im alten Jahr. Möge sie bleiben und sich festigen. DANKE.
Nice brand of wisdom at the beginning of this year, Magyar !
I see you are a problem solver. Best wishes for the new year!
Yep...if you can't solve it, go around it! Lol
You are definitely a person after my own heart...there is always an alternative to be found...and a coffee is essential!😉
I thank y'all my friends!
__ I'll be catchin' up shortly! _m
Magyar, there's no changes to my blog other than the name - not sure what happened, but no comments in spam folder, and your comment on the David Lynch item showed up fine... And of course you are always welcome to comment - not sure what happened there?
Sip it down
Nothin' broke 'til coffee's in
I agree
A chaque nouvel article, toujours autant de choses intéressantes à découvrir et normalement à mettre en pratique.
voyance gratuitement par mail
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