My photo
Cape Cod, United States
__I see with young eyes, an old mirror. Here, I hope to offer... as I see.

Monday, July 15, 2019

The white noise?
__ This from an older note book-scribble of twelve/plus -years- ago. Haven't we all noticed this juxtaposition... years to tears, far to near? _m

near song
of flowers on the breeze
a far owl


Gillena Cox said...

Nice, luv the juxtaposition of the far and the near
Happy you dropped by my blog


sandy said...


Bill said...

Hi Doug. Good to see you're still working.

Adelaide said...

No breezes here today. Hot, hot, hot.


Sandy said...

Beautiful! A healing sight and sound.

Magyar said...

To Gillena, California Sandy, Bill, Adelaide and Maine Sandy:

__ For your kind comments, my belated appreciation to you all! _m

Edith said...

Lieber Magyar,
ich folge gern ihren Gedanken. Sie laden zum Überlegen ein.

Herzlichst, Rachel

Ygraine said...

So evocative, as always with your wonderfully talented writings, Doug!😊😊
The far...and the near...never one without an echo of the other somewhere in the ether...
Thank you so much for your have been sorely missed...

Hope you are having a great day!

Magyar said...

My appreciation to you both, Rachel and "Y", I'll visit yah soon! {m

Anonymous said...

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