My photo
Cape Cod, United States
__I see with young eyes, an old mirror. Here, I hope to offer... as I see.

Thursday, January 23, 2020

Life's wind doesn't harm the wick, it simply severs the candle's flame. _m

times candlewick 
deeply feeds this flame of life
a soft wind


Eva Limbach said...

Really good stuff, Magyar .....

sandy said...

Lovely, poetic.

Gwil W said...

Turning another page,
Welcome to the year of the Rat!

Adelaide said...

may we only have soft winds


Sandy said...

Thank goodness for that soft wind.

Magyar said...

__ Happy to help, and now somewhat freed from my families Imbroglio, I thank you all for your visits and comments: Eva; Cal. Sandy; Gwil; Adelaide; and Sandy Canada_! _m

Anonymous said...

Win Ex lover back in 48 hours_______________________________

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United States...

Danny W said...

Greeat reading your blog

Martin Evan said...

I find that analogy quite insightful.