My photo
Cape Cod, United States
__I see with young eyes, an old mirror. Here, I hope to offer... as I see.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Back to the Crocus, Bill;  between the icicle and this pointed sprout... a duel?

the last icicle
looms above this sprout
a crocus bursts


Anonymous said...

Bring on the crocus!!! One of my fav flowers. This has such a hopeful ring to it Magyar, thanks.

Out of Sight L said...

ah winter end, spring begin how lovely you are so lucky I thinK I commented before but since I don't see it I will comment again lol

Frank... said...

Winter giving way to spring. A nice combo images...

Timoteo said...

It's spring there already? That's global warming for you!


Unknown said...

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Danaelle said...

Thanks for these crocus, Magyar !

Magyar said...

Oh yes!
__No sprouts yet, these 'new' Crocus haiku had been generated by one of my 'old' scribble books, wishful thinking on my part I guess. In fact, here in eastern Massachusetts, we are expecting a grand "Snow Bouquet" in the next two days. "Snocus?"
__For your kind comments, I thank you all, and offer my best wishes! _m

TALON said...

Last year our daffodils were loud and proud even as they got a fresh cold white blanket. As always, beautiful imagery evoked, Magyar.

Warren said...

No crocus for us yet, Mag - but the snow has melted off and the temps are in the lower 40s. Spring soon? Lovely poem, m' friend.


Anonymous said...

I'm testing the waters:

with a new blog idea.

Hope you'll stop in soon Magyar!