My photo
Cape Cod, United States
__I see with young eyes, an old mirror. Here, I hope to offer... as I see.

Friday, April 26, 2019

The bows of boughs, spilled out that rain_.
__  Lately, so much rain here;  this post,  just moments ago,  was an old scribble in one of my notebooks.  Memories.  _m

their trumpets fill with rain
soft bows 


Gillena Cox said...

its hot hot hot here we did have an April tease lestweek though not enough to call itrain

writers block

much love...

Edith said...

Lieber Magyar, Gott sei Dank, heute Nacht regnete es auch bei uns und dies war so nötig.
Dein Haiku zeigt wunderbare Bilder, danke dafür.

Dir und deiner Kathy ein feines Wochenende
von Herzen, Rachel

Adelaide said...

poor daffodils. Mine are rather soggy after all the rain.

bending in heavy rain
my aging back


sandy said...

so beautiful - ...we have a beautiful daffodil commemoration garden in a town next to ours "Twin Peaks". The man planted the garden years and years ago when his wife had cancer and continued to plant it - it is now a well known stop when one comes up to the mountains. It is in full bloom right now and so beautiful.

haiku-shelf (Angelika Wienert) said...

I like the word trumpets in this haiku very much!