My photo
Cape Cod, United States
__I see with young eyes, an old mirror. Here, I hope to offer... as I see.

Monday, June 1, 2020

__ Trying to be more active. This senryu I left as a plus comment at a long time blog friend's post. Viewing  sunrise (looking to the sunrise) this senryu proves my 'mind-compass,' has failed its magnetic directivity. Smiles! _m      (behind me?) 

viewing sunrise
my shadow stands before me


sandy said...

Ahh I like this - to have a shadow means there is a light source and that's what gets us through the dark. light reveals the shadow is just an image and has no power. I like this..... mind-full-ness light.

Gillena Cox said...

I luv the comment Sandy made. Stay in the light Doug


Adelaide said...

my shadow
just a form with no detail,
no nuance
before me or behind
but never inside


Crafty Green Poet said...

nice image...

Sandy said...

what a neat idea! I will be back in the morning after I check out my shadow at first light.

Sandy said...

I think we are all feeling not quite connected these days.

opening the door
to welcoming light
my shadow backs off

Magyar said...

__My deepest thanks to you all, California Sandy, Gillena, Adelaide, Juliete, and too (two), to Maine Sandy. Such smiles_! _m

Gillena Cox said...

Thanks for dropping by sumie Sundays today Doug
Have a nice Sunday


Magyar said...

__ I'm having a blog problem... I've lost my friend/visitor list, probably due to my sever lack of computor skills... . I'll re-fit and return ASAP. _m

isabella kramer - veredit said...

I love the subtle humor in this!!

huge hugs,

John McDonald said...

Dear friend,
My comments page is closed for the moment due to infiltration I will be in touch later
Aye john

Magyar said...

And over all, 'twas a stroke that loosened my... lifes laces. _m

Adelaide said...

Hi Doug,

Hope all is well. I miss your posts.


sandy said...

I noticed it's been five months since you were posting ... hope u are okay,, i miss your haikus.

John McDonald said...

Dear Magyar I hope you are well it is unfortunate I had to turn my comments off due to invading commercials. Let me wish you and your loved ones the very best for 2021
Happy Christmas

Angel charls said...
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Magyar said...

as aged limbs wave
such offsprings born glow leaves
nature seasons dance


Magyar said...
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Angel charls said...

everything is so nice
very well
please keep sharing more posts like this, even then you can also see more post like this by o here
Facebook Bellen

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