My photo
Cape Cod, United States
__I see with young eyes, an old mirror. Here, I hope to offer... as I see.

Friday, November 3, 2017

Coming soon.
__ Coastal river pools are subject to nature, and will ice over during  freezing nights at high tide.  When the tide recedes, a ring of ice clings to that stone and waits for the tide to rise again.  _m

river ice
halos a lonely stone
rising tide


Gwil W said...

I've never seen that. It sounds magical.

Yesterday I saw the film 'Maudie' which is set in Nova Scotia but filmed I understand in Newfoundland. Lovely scenery wherever it was.

Ygraine said...

Oh how I'd love to see that too.
However, now I can, in my mind's eye...thanks to vividly that it makes me shiver!:)

Have a Great Weekend!

Sandy said...

I have seen it, and love the idea of an icy halo.

Edith said...

Lieber Magyar,

danke für die bildliche Vorstellung, die du uns gegeben hast.
So etwas habe ich noch nie gehört, gesehen schon gar nicht.

Dir ein feines Wochenende

von Herzen, Rachel

Adelaide said...

you describe a lovely scene


Magyar said...

Friends... "Y", Sandy, Rachel, Adelaide and Gwilym... for your visits and kind comments, I send my true thanks_!

__ Of this rather haibun-ish post, I felt that you would always absorbed its view. _m

sandy said...

I would love to see tide pools that look like that. I fondly remember getting photos of the different creatures seen in a tide pool along the central coast of California.