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Cape Cod, United States
__I see with young eyes, an old mirror. Here, I hope to offer... as I see.

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

__ This is an ancient legend of the Wampanoags along the shores of Lake Assawampsett, as it now edges Middleborough Ma..  Assawampsett, is that Lake of the White Stones, and the moon of leaves is June; Mon-do-min... Maize, that fruit of life. _m

moon of leaves
this lake of white stones


Edith said...

Lieber Magyar,
du bist und bleibst der große Haiku-Meister!

Bei uns gibt es ein Stärkemittel zur Bindung von Soßen und Dererlei, es heißt Mondamin.
Jetzt verstehe ich auch den Zusammenhang, Dank deiner Erklärung.

Lass die Sonne in dein Herz,
dies wünscht dir Rachel

Adelaide said...

This has a nice sound then read aloud, the repeated M sounds is like a chant the natives would sing to the gods of corn, perhaps.


Magyar said...

__ Thank you Rachel for your kind gift, but I think I am far from a 'haiku master.'
__ Adelaide, you've seen and sensed this silent nature's care. Smiles! _m

Crafty Green Poet said...

lovely, I particularly like moon of leaves

Sandy said...

Very nice! Your haiku is as lovely as the lake.

Gillena Cox said...

You sparked my interest, i googled so now i know that that Mon-do-min is Corn named after the indian warrior around whose grave they first sprang up. Nice legend from History of the town of Middleboro, Massachusetts

much love...

Magyar said...

My belated thanks to you, Juliet, Sandy and Gillena_! _m

sandy said...

this makes me want to visit this area... beautifully written.

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